The NHS England Chief Scientific Officer Professor Dame Sue Hill DBE presents the latest webinar for healthcare science staff.

The theme is ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity and the Healthcare Science workforce’.

This webinar will be hosted on Microsoft Teams Live – Please join the webinar using this link.

Date: 1-2pm Tuesday 29 June 2021 


  1. Updates from the Chief Scientific Officer for England, Professor Dame Sue Hill
  2. Developing an Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Framework for the Healthcare Science workforce with East of England Regional Healthcare Science Clinical Lead, Dr Jagjit Sethi
  3. Updates from the Academy For Healthcare Science with Chief Executive, Janet Monkman
  4. Announcing the 2021 CSO Shirley Fletcher Apprenticeship Award winner

You can find more information about the 2021 CSO Awards on our Future NHS platform here.