Three years ago the SCST contributed to a piece of work aimed towards amending legislation enabling Clinical Scientists to administer medicines using PGD’s. We recently contacted the Chief Professions Officer of the NHS medicines mechanisms programme for an update and received the following response.
‘The consultation was part of wider exercise covering a range of healthcare professionals, with the consultation that ran from October to December 2020 receiving nearly 6,000 responses. These have all been analysed and the outputs presented to the Commission on Human Medicines to support their consideration of the proposals and recommendations to Government Ministers.
Due to the on-going impact of COVID, predicting timescales is difficult at the moment, but we would hope to have a view from Ministers in Spring 2022 to inform next steps. Those proposals which relate to controlled drugs will also need to be considered by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. Accordingly, it is likely that the relevant amendments to legislation to bring these changes into effect will happen later in 2022.’
The SCST will continue to pursue this subject and wil feedback directly to our membership as updates are received.
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