Journal of The Society for Cardiac Science & Technology

Scope of the journal

The Journal of Society for Cardiac Science and Technology welcomes submissions likely to be of interest to professionals working in the field of clinical cardiac physiology. These may include original research, audits, educational articles, correspondence, opinions or information on professional matters, case studies and reviews of books or equipment.

Scope of the journal

The Journal of Society for Cardiac Science and Technology welcomes submissions likely to be of interest to professionals working in the field of clinical cardiac physiology. These may include original research, audits, educational articles, correspondence, opinions or information on professional matters, case studies and reviews of books or equipment.

Scope of the journal

The Journal of Society for Cardiac Science and Technology welcomes submissions likely to be of interest to professionals working in the field of clinical cardiac physiology. These may include original research, audits, educational articles, correspondence, opinions or information on professional matters, case studies and reviews of books or equipment.

General presentational guidance October 2014

All articles should be in Ariel 12 font. Figures and pictures should be incorporated into the text and carry explanatory captions. Articles should not normally exceed 2,000 words in length,excluding references.


All submissions must be the authors’ own work and must not have been previously published elsewhere. Permission must be obtained from the publisher and/or author for the use of any non-original material, eg illustrations or tables. A copy of the written permission should be submitted with the manuscript. Authors are responsible for any permissions fees

Conflict of interest

All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony and grants or other funding.


All material for consideration of publication should be made by email to Informal enquiries and discussions relating to articles being considered for submission are welcomed. The submission of an article implies that all the authors have agreed to its publication.


Following publication, SCST will hold exclusive rights to articles
Please also submit a fully completed Author’s Signature Form available by clicking here.


We do offer adverts to placed on the website only at a cost of £240 per vacancy, with no deadline, as adverts can be uploaded daily. If however you wish to advertise in the Journal magazine the price list is below.

The deadline for advert is noon on the 15th of the month. If the 15th should fall at a weekend then the deadline would be the Friday before. Advertisements need to be supplied “print ready”. If you do decide to place your advert in the Journal we will include it on our website free of charge as well. Also we would require your invoice address and purchase order number.

Please note if you are paying directly into our bank account from a non UK company or association there will be an extra £12.00 added to these costs to cover bank charges. All payments must be sent in pounds sterling. Please also note that no agency discounts are applicable.


  • Quarter page £300 (134mm deep x 90mm wide)
  • Half page £420 (134mm deep x 184mm wide or 272mm deep x 90mm wide)
  • Full page £560 (272mm deep x 184mm wide)


  • Quarter page £375 (134mm deep x 90mm wide)
  • Half page £610 (134mm deep x 184mm wide)
  • Full page £745 (272mm deep x 184mm wide)
  • Two pages £970