How to submit portfolio forms.
The flow chart below summarises the key steps & action necessary to submit your portfolio. The required forms for signature and submission are available by downloading from the “Portfolio Pack” button.
Step 1.
Declaration to Submit Preceptorship Evidence Record (PER)
A minimum of 6 weeks’ notice must be provided to the SCST to indicate your PER will be submitted for evaluation for the SCST Certificate of Proficiency in Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology). In making this declaration to submit the PER to the SCST for evaluation there must be an agreement between the HSP, preceptor and manager that the named HSP has demonstrated an all-round proficiency in their role.
Step 2.
Preceptorship Evidence Record (PER) Checklist
This checklist should be completed in advance of submitting the PER to the SCST for evaluation. It should be used to establish that the correct, high quality evidence has been submitted that supports that HSPs application for the SCST Certificate of Proficiency in Healthcare Science (Cardiac Physiology).
Step 3.
Agreement of Proficiency
From the moment they are registered, a Healthcare Science Practitioner is autonomous and accountable. To this end they are responsible for the clinical work they undertake, and are responsible to ensure they work within the remit of their role and competence.
Step 4.
Electronic Evidence Record