British Cardiovascular Society Emerging Leaders Programme

Applications now open for the 2024/2025 cohort


The British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) Leadership Academy was established in 2019 to develop leadership skills for healthcare professionals through expert Faculty. As part of the Academy, the BCS Emerging Leaders Programme aims to equip delegates with leadership and management skills they will use for the rest of their lives in the NHS and beyond in driving improvements in services for patients. The Programme incorporates sessions with key NHS and professional leaders whom delegates would rarely get the chance to meet in person otherwise. This greatly enriches the course content as they share the secrets of their success and encourage the next generation of leaders.

The Programme is open to senior cardiology trainees, recently appointed consultants, senior nurses, physiologists, and radiographers working in cardiology multi-disciplinary teams. It is underwritten by the BCS and this year for the first time we will be asking delegates to contribute £750 towards the cost. Changes to the Programme this year include 2 days in Cambridge with an overnight stay and the last session of the programme in Manchester with an overnight stay ahead of the BCS conference .The course fees will include dinner and accommodation costs for both overnight stays in Cambridge and Manchester. Delegates will receive free registration to the BCS conference in June 2025 and will be responsible for their transport costs for all programme days in London, Cambridge and Manchester.

Applications are now invited to apply for the 2024/25 cohort of the Programme. There are 18 delegate places available on a competitive basis. Prospective applicants must be BCS members and will be trainees within one year of CCT, consultant cardiologists within 5 years of first appointment in June 2024, physiologists in the HSST/RCP programme to consultant clinical scientists, or nurses and radiographers at Band 8A and above.


The programme represents a significant investment in developing future leadership skills. Therefore, ELP members are expected to use the skills they have developed in the Emerging Leaders Programme to stand for BCS Committee roles or BCS-related activities when opportunities arise. Standing for positions within BCS Committees also provides ELP participants and alumni with the practical opportunity to develop further the skills they built during the program and engage these skills in achieving change and development for the cardiology workforce.


The 2024/25 BCS Emerging Leaders Programme cohort will commence in the autumn.  The closing date for applications is midday on 12 August 2024.  The programme comprises 8.5 days, 5 of which will be delivered face-to-face at the BCS offices, 1 will be a virtual day, and 2 will be held consecutively with an overnight stay in Cambridge.  A final session, to include ELP Alumni, will be scheduled for the afternoon before the BCS Annual Conference, which will take place from 2-4 June 2025 in Manchester.


Applicants must be current ordinary members or joint members of the BCS.

Successful applicants must commit to attending all course days and must have the support of their Trust management to do so.  This is vitally important as the cohort is intentionally limited in numbers to facilitate small-group work and make this programme as educational as possible. If you are successful and there is an issue attending one of the days, the course facilitator must be informed as early as possible. Failure to attend without prior written agreement for extenuating circumstances may result in removal from the programme.

One of the main objectives during the year is for each delegate to complete a service improvement project at their Trust. This is a mandatory programme component and will require a dedicated time commitment, given that these projects are competitive and will be presented at the BCS Annual Conference 2025, where attendance is expected.

Only those who have satisfactory attendance and complete all program elements will receive a certificate of successful programme completion.

A draft schedule for the BCS Emerging Leaders Programme is available here. Please note this is an outline only and is subject to further review and potential modification.


The BCS is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment for its staff, membership and all who engage with the Society, its activities, educational opportunities and courses.

BCS want their Society and its educational offerings to reflect and support the diverse nature of the profession and its broader membership. BCS believe that diversity benefits and contributes to the development of cardiology and the wider NHS workforce.

BCS welcome applications from all backgrounds, cultures, and identities and from all regions of the UK.


Entry to the cohort is highly competitive, and delegates will be selected by a panel based on a two-page CV and a 500-word statement, which should include the following:

  • What experience do you already have in the leadership of service change and quality improvement?
  • What particular skills or experience can you bring to the programme?
  • How you will benefit from the programme.
  • What your future career aspirations are; and
  • An outline proposal for your service improvement project.

Applications must be accompanied by a statement from your TPD, clinical director, or line manager supporting your participation in the program and full attendance at all cohort meetings. Please ensure this is completed in the supporting statement form below.

Please save your completed application as a PDF document with your CV attached to by midday 12 August 2024. Please mark the email subject as ‘BCS Emerging Leaders Programme 2024/25’.