As part of NHS England’s Hospital Transformation – Admitted Pathways programme, they are holding webinars which will focus on the role of specialties in accelerating emergency inpatient flow this winter, which will be facilitated by the Emergency Care Intensive Support Team (ECIST). These sessions will be chaired by Dr Jyothi Nippani (National Clinical Lead – Hospital Transformation) and Chris Morrow Frost (National Clinical Advisor for Hospitals) and will be clinically-led by expert speakers – including National Clinical Directors – from several specialties: Cardiology is the focus on Wednesday 9th November.

9 Nov 11am-12pm: Cardiology. Click here to join

The webinars will discuss clinically developed principles, based on best practice for key speciality areas, specifically speciality in-reach early in the patient’s journey, and supporting successful job planning or rostering to achieve early specialist intervention, particularly in advance of what is expected to be a challenging winter. This will hopefully positively impact patient outcomes, including reduced length of stay, avoidance of unnecessary admissions to hospitals, reduced pressure on our emergency services, and improved patient flow.

The webinars will be recorded and available to watch if you or colleagues have been unable to attend. If you have any questions about what the webinars will entail or would like further information please contact