Programme Information for Healthcare Science Innovation Fellowship Applicants
The programme will provide experience of the innovation process, focusing on digital technologies for medtech diagnostics or monitoring, equipping successful Fellows with the knowledge, skills and confidence for the development, evaluation and implementation of new technologies, and the ability to initiate and lead their own technology innovation projects in the future.
Host departments of Fellows will be awarded a £15k Innovation Fellows bursary, and Fellows will have access to blended project–based and online learning and training resources and mentoring to undertake a technology innovation project relevant to their department.
Fellows will be encouraged to look at projects through the prism of the NHS Long Term Plan, seeing the patient as a partner, understanding their journey and considering future health technology possibilities. Device regulation and standards will be introduced as enablers to the safe and effective introduction of new and emerging technologies. Methods for identifying and managing unmet needs will be introduced as a central methodology.
The programme is an opportunity for qualified Healthcare Scientists working within the NHS in England and Wales, with at least 1 year of post-qualification experience.
Programme information, FAQs and the application form can be accessed from the National School for Healthcare Science website
For enquiries relating to the online learning, project support and the expertise within Devices for Dignity, please email
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