We will be running the SCST Awards at this years NUM (Birmingham – 24th November 2023)
Nominations are not exclusive to SCST members only and are open to all for both nominations and nominees.
As always, the awards are split across 5 categories:
Rising Star Award
A staff member or colleague who has recently qualified or is undertaking an Apprenticeship, PTP or STP qualification and shows great insight and innovation in the role.  The actions of this colleague will likely offer better diagnostic service within the workforce and/or their approach to their job will allow for better patient care.
Innovators Prize for Transformation
A staff member or colleague who has proactively created transformational change in a service or department.  This change has led to either financial savings, time savings or resulted in a better diagnostic provision allowing better patient flow.
Patient Care Award of Excellence
A staff member or colleague who proactively offers exceptional patient care on a daily basis.  Going above and beyond in a pursuit that offers excellent patient care.
Unsung Hero Award
A staff member or colleague who has made a real difference to their team, department or patients.  A colleague who is a proactive team member and completes their role to the betterment of their department without requesting acknowledgement or dispensation for what they do on a daily basis.
The Dave Richley Award for Outstanding Education
A staff member, colleague(s) or team who have proactively pushed education forward in their trust or the wider network.  Raising standards and the profile of the cardiac workforce on the whole.
The nomination form can be accessed here:  SCST Awards Nomination Form