Dear Members
The Society for Cardiological Science and Technology (SCST) was one of the founding groups of the Registration Council for Clinical Physiologists (RCCP) in 2001, and has worked closely with them since then to establish and maintain a professional register. Over the last year SCST has been in discussions with both RCCP and the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) as to the future of statutory registration within our profession. At a meeting on 20th February 2018, SCST Council members voted unanimously to transfer its support from the RCCP register to the registers that are held by the Academy for Healthcare Science.
SCST would like to state that it has been proud to support RCCP over the last 17 years but feels that the AHCS is now best positioned to facilitate the long-held aim of gaining statutory regulation for the majority of our profession.
Details of how SCST members can transfer from the RCCP register to the clinical physiology register held by AHCS will be released in the next few weeks. This process will not incur any administration fees and up until 30th April, SCST members will be able to take advantage of a special SCST-negotiated first-year AHCS registration rate of just £15. Please visit the SCST website or Facebook page for updates.
SCST Council
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