Developing the Echo Service – Workload and Staffing Census Survey 2018: A Request for your Help.
NHS England has commissioned a strategic review of cardiac physiology services to inform its future commissioning plans for cardiac care services. In particular, it must respond to priorities in NHS England’s Business Plan concerning urgent and emergency care and clinical standards concerning access to diagnostic services. 7‑day echocardiography has been highlighted as an area critical to achieving 7‑day hospital services, so special attention must be given to understanding the service’s needs in achieving the prescribed standards.
This important review is being conducted under the ægis of the Society for Cardiological Science and Technology. I am writing to ask for your help. We need to model the future service and assess the impact on the future workforce. To this end, we have engaged specialists who need workload and staffing information. I very much appreciate the many calls upon your time and that my request will add to the pressures you face. However, I would very much appreciate your efforts to complete the census as it is this information which will form the basis of the future workload and staffing projections so it is important that we are working with the best information set possible.
Some of you may have responded to a similar census in 2014. The current one works on much the same lines, click here to open the file preview and then click the download arrow on the top right hand corner of your screen to download it. Make sure to ‘Enable Content’ when you open it for the first time. Any queries can be addressed to Stephen Voysey at Please return the survey to Stephen by Friday 6th July.
Thank you very much for your support which will help us to develop a better service for our patients.
Yours sincerely,
Catherine Ross FSCST, PgD, MSc.
President of The Society for Cardiological Science and Technology (SCST)
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